Today's Market Prediction is just updated

  1. This morning the market will fluctuates, but still up. The gap may not be filled.
  2. Around noon time, there will be a down wave.
  3. Depending on the strength of the down wave, the market will close down or up. I prefer more chance to close down.
  4. May be a big / \ today.


  1. I need to close my long holdings and start to accumulate shorts. Thanks you very much! DO you post real-time trade?
    Thanks again!

  2. yes, I will post some real time trades. Like recent QID buys. Happy Trading.

  3. it seems MMs want to fill yesterday's Gap up. If so, not good for the bears.

  4. If the expected down wave didn't show up this afternoon, then today becomes a reversal day of yesterday. A big \/ in the NASDAQ 100 chart. Hopefully, bears didn't lose the 200MA so soon.
