- The correct position
- Patience (give the position the time to perform)
Even more, when you are right, thinking less over it may build a wealth for you.
I still remember more than 10 years ago, after I bought some Shenzhen Development Bank and some China Baoan group, then Deng Xiaoping died, and the Chinese stock market, as well as my two stocks, dropped a lot. The market is in a panic mood . I even don't have the courage to look at them. At that time I was a student at a University with heavy course works, so I made a decision to forget them and to focus on my study.
After about 4-5 Months, when I looked at the prices of both stocks again. Guess what, one stock price is up more than 300%, and the other one is up about 30%.
The lessons from this personal experience are:
The time and energy you put in the market doesn't matter at all. The key is you got to have the CORRECT position and give it the time to perform.
Other life's wisdom is linked here.
ReplyDelete要有一股霸气. 杜甫有一句诗说的很好: "会当凌绝顶, 一览众山小"...