Trap zone is in the shape

Trap zone is in the shape, based on the chart below

So the market will be traded inside this zone for a while, until it finds the direction to break !

Personally, I think it will break out again. But, in reality, I may hope it can break down for the long term benefits of bulls.

By the way, my previous bold predictions are still valid to date.


  1. thx tiger for the clear pic. and detail reply to my questions. Break up, 112x is the next stop. break down, it may fill the 1070 gap.
    What do you think?


  2. bokchoy,

    You are welcome.

    I agree with you.

    The bulls may not want to fill 1070 gap.The market is always planning to run in either a way to squeeze the bears or trap the bulls.

    Cheers and enjoy the madness of the market.
