Time fames - a reply to a comment

I have a comment from a reader, quoted below, I think the question is good for all readers, so I plan to give my brief answers here:

Question: "Tiger, thank you for the good work, in terms of time frames, we have daily, hrly, 30m, 15m, 10m, 5m etc. Based on your experience, under which timeframe, your theory would work the best? "

Answer: My theory works good and great for all time frames. If you select a short time frame, you have to trade very often, you have to keep your eye on the market all the time because the market can change very quickly and very dramatically in short time frame. On the other hand, if you choose a longer time scale, no need to watch the market very often because the signal will change slowly.

It all depends on your trading style.

I personally using daily and 30 m chart to trade.

My strategy is:
  • build up a position based on the daily chart signal
  • trade frequently based on the 15 m chart in order to reduce the cost of the initial position to zero
  • once the daily chart said a big correction is anticipated to happen, or even worse, a trend reversal is going to happen, then I will position myself to follow the coming trend and close longs and set up short-selling positions
Being able to catch the trend reversal in the daily chart will surely a good idea for position traders, especially those who don't have too much time to trade.

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