ALERT: NASDAQ 1980 is broken, the expected DOWN

wave comes now ! This time it will be real, if 1980 can not be gained back by bulls at the close of the day ! More analysis tonight will be posted using my own theory.

Please refer to last night's analysis so that you may know why 1980 is so important !


  1. Thanks. Hopefully, bears can win big this time.

  2. Thanks ! I am watching 1980 very closely today.

  3. 1980 is gained back now, so still bullish ?

  4. yes.

    closed above 1980 ---> still bullish

    closed below 1980 ----> bearish

  5. Hi! How does the trap-area thing work? where can I read more about that?

  6. It's my own theory on the stock price development. I will gradually post it and complete it in the blog. You can read more about it in the side bar column "Technical Analysis Tips"

  7. Thanks a lot! I think you are on a good path in terms of systems of analysis!

  8. Here is the link if you want to learn more about my own stock price development theory:


  9. Will yesterday's intra day reversal UP pattern happen again today ? If so, then a very reliable bullish sign !

    Crossing my fingers.

  10. Market down with good news is not good sign especially when market due to correction.
    Buying stock at this moment, just like Chinese idiom said “Grab food from a Tiger”


  11. JZ,

    I agree with you. Looks this time the DOWN wave is true. IF so, The next question is when the expected UP wave will come again ? I already took profits at the ETFC gap up this morning, although small, but still quite nice for a over night trading. That's my another selling rule: sell at the gap up if you have profits because you always buy it back later when the gap filled. Even if the gap not filled, don't worry, you still made money in the trade ! Sometime, it's the pure luck to get such gap ups.


  12. Tiger,

    You are the good wave player, not many people can do the same thing as you. I have followed Eagle in wrong time, lost big money. Now I am reading your blog everyday, I like it very much, I am learning from those people who are experienced investors, but I don't follow anybody any more, it's big lesson from past. I only follow my own sense.

    I have some short position bought from yesterday, wish this time can turn to profit.

    Thank you very much for share your opinion with this site.


  13. JZ,

    Good for you. Yes. I agree. Never follow any boday's trade. It will never do good to you. That's why I try to do only the technical analysis here, instead of the real time trading. it could be mis leading, and a big burden as well.

    Happy trading and enjoy your market views as well !

